Monday, January 4, 2016

Pure Solitude

Slowly being rocked back and forth,
With the wind shaking my seat, we inch up the mountain.

My little brother won't stop complaining.

At last, we get to the top of the lift.
It's peaceful up top.
A place of pure solitude.

Once they are finally ready, my parents say my favorite words "you go ahead. Meet us at 4". It was 8:30.

At last. Freedom.

After bombing down a run, I head up to the real summit.

After trying to go down a certain run and being stopped by the ski patrol and a 10 minute explination of how dangerous avalanches are, I went down it anyway.

Dodging trees, flying off rocks and sharp turns has turned into my winter.

I caused a few minor avalanches, but they didn't hurt anyone.

After a day filled with this and no lunch, seeing 2 skiers on the routes I did, it was time to call it a day.

I escaped with only 2 bruises, some scratches, broken goggles and a cracked helmet.

So it was definitely a success.


  1. I wish my parents would say that at 8:30 lucky. and way to show the ski patrol and avalanches #respect

  2. This is awesome :) I absolutely love the title too.
