Thursday, December 17, 2015

I forgot to remember

I forgot that I'm supposed to remember the most important things, and it's just starting to come back.

I remember when the only worry I had was whether the top branches would hold me.

I remember when girls had cooties,

I remember when I used to figure skate.

I can remember that 2+2=4, but I still have to think about 2+0.

I remember crying at the end of where the red fern grows.

I remember when my crush said hi, and I forgot to say hi back.

I remember my first airplane ride.

I remember falling 50 feet out of a tree with a scratch #blessed

I don't remember the first back flip I did, or the first peak I reached or my first pair of running shoes.

But I do remember the back flip in front of my date, my favorite mountain and my lucky racing spikes.

I remember all the pains of loneliness, sadness, and hopelessness.

I remember the feeling of forgetting to do my homework.

I remember my first snow and the peaceful feeling it brought.

I remember my first time skiing, and how bad I was but I haven't stopped.

I remember my very first trail run, wondering why I hadn't gone before.

I remember my grandpa even though he died when I was 3.

I remember every mean thing my brother said to me.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dear Eva Peron

I still don't know if it's pronounced Eva or Ava, but anyways your blog is one of the best. All of you have read her blog because it's "famous" and stuff.

When I first pulled your name I got super excited. I mean, who wouldn't? You have made top 5 3 times and you have a bunch of awesome quotes and poems. Your worst post is better than my best. So props to you for being one of the best on here.

These teenage years, they're open late. I don't mean supermarket late, were talking barefoot jaywalking, windows down, loud music, whispered voices because mom's asleep


But mom can be harder to avoid then the current middle east.

And my nuclear war head heart has been beating a little harder lately.

If I fall, look for the crash, because NO ONE will be left standing.

And a quiet exchange will be culmination of something quite extraordinary.

Time is my greatest enemy,

Except, your enemy isn't supposed to be something you want more of.

Now for the explanation. I took some of my favorite quotes by you and a few quotes from the real Eva Peron, and tried to make a poem about it. So basically a grand theft poetry of you and the real Eva. Sorry if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I just think in a different way than most.

I don't know you that well Brooklyn, other then we read each other's blogs, we follow each other on Instagram, and one of my friends took you to prom last year. But you seem super cool. You're writing is amazing and I can tell you write all of it straight from your heart. Your writing makes me think hard. It almost always has a deeper meaning(whether you've intended that or not). All of my posts have had one and they're really hard to understand. 

I should probably stop rambling about how good your stuff is. It's probably getting old. But thanks for your writing.

Mountain Nomad

Err I mean Spencer Smith.

But you can call me spence.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Sometimes it's hard to find a good first line,

And so is getting up for the journal jam.

It's like the feeling inside, when you know there's fireworks, but your heads so heavy you can't look up.

You know you won't regret it, but that first step is hard.

And so life goes on

My friend just visited and called that good for the day.

My friend was content, but it hurt me.

And pain is a flower most people pull from their garden.

Life is hard guys.

But some days I'm just pretending to shiver.

The most important lesson I've learned is being happy is a choice.

I see life as a journey, and I'm just trying to fall in love with mine.

I suggest you do too.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

I'm the 17 year old calvin

When you see me in the halls, I will be smiling. I'm a happy guy. Life couldn't be better.

But it's not perfect either

I'm one of the most competitive people I know. I HAVE to win. I've gotten better at hiding my emotions when losing, but it's still very much there

I've never made top 5 or probably been considered for it, not on any one's #stolen page, and gosh dang it Nelson, the only picture from my journal that you've shown is the someone else page.

And I'm going to get lots of views on this post, because most will think it's my reveal but i've already done it. And you guys will be dissapointed and not comment.

My dad tells me to do my homework, 
My mom says I'm way too skinny, 
My sister says I'm stupid
Girls adore me(hahahaha jk)
My grandma says to eat more, 
My friends say I talk not enough or too much, 
And my young men leader's tell me to pay attention.

And I tell them to leave me alone

Because I don't care what they think. If they don't like me that's their problem!

I don't have a name for my pen name, someone I'm aspiring to be. And that's for a reason too.

I'm a nomad, by definition I wander around and do whatever the heck I want. Whether it's in the mountains, my journal or my basement, I'm just here for the thrill of it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The REAL introduction

I've been hiding behind a mask. You have too. But even batman has to take his off on occasion.

You might not know who I am, and you might not even care.

 I know I'm not your favorite blogger and this might be the first time you have looked at mine.

Here are some things about me:

  • I love camping
  • I wear short shorts more often than I'd like to admit
  • I'm a runner(yes i enjoy it, it's not as bad as you think)
  • I've never broken a bone, but I've had countless "invisible" injuries
  • I cry more than most guys
  • Dance parties happen quite often with my 3 year old brother
  • I've been on top of every mountain in Utah county
  • If you are what you eat, I'm a animal cracker
And I am Spencer Smith

Sunday, November 22, 2015

"Messy" tunes

Apparently I'm messy.

My room is messy, my car is, my backpack, my closet, and my music too.

Wait. Messy music?

I don't know, go ask my dad

Last time I checked tribal seeds and coldplay weren't messy... But whatever.

But while my dad is rocking out to his Patsy Cline, his "neat" music isn't too neat to me.

Music is a type of art, just one you have to feel, not look at. It's different for every person.

Like Mr. Nelson likes Paris and Ketchikan likes Ketchikan( i've been there, cool place) and Courtney Rome likes Rome( just a guess), and how I like the mountains.

So next time my parents ask me what I'm doing, I'm working on an art project 😉

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Winter is on the way

There's a chance of snow tomorrow, but when I look outside the tree next to my house hasn't lost a single leaf.

My neighbors wood-burning stove is working hard and the thermometer just hit 47°. 

But winter is a good time of year.

Winter is when you snowshoe up mountains and then ski down.

Winter is when the funnest moments you can't feel your fingers and toes.

Winter is when mom has hot apple cider and toffee waiting for you at the door.

And because the birdsong might be pretty, but it's not for you they sing. If you think winter is too cold, then you don't deserve my spring.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The proper way of bushwacking up a mountain

Things needed: a mountain

  1. Find every possible way up, then pick the 2nd hardest one.
  2. Start hiking up.  If there are any little (10-20) foot cliffs nearby, climb them.
  3. Take pictures(throughout the hike).
  4. Get at least 15 scratches on your legs.
  5. Once you reach the top, do some kind of a cool dance move(personally I do the lawnmower).
  6. Do something stupid on the way down.
  7. If you are not sore the next day, you didn't go up fast enough.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Whenever I go up the basement stairs, I run because someone scary is chasing me.

I'm scared of that time it takes for me to run up, because those 4 seconds are lots longer than its seems.

Add all of the times I ran up from the basement, that's close to a month of being chased by a mad man.

Chronophobia is the fear of time. In this case, I'm scared of it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Perfect Rock

If only when skipping rocks, they came back like a boomerang, because the perfect rock only skipped 7 times for me.

But then you would need the perfect water to skip it in.

But everything can't go your way, because if it did that's that only rock my hands would touch.

That rock would be my Golden Snitch, the only person to touch it would be me.

But it isn't that way.

Instead I have to find ones that are okay, and lose them seconds later.

I want to stop divorcing rocks.

I want the world to stop divorcing rocks.

Why can't we just find the perfect one and stay with it?

I want a boomerang rock.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


I'm terribly weary
Of new faces,
I can feel the concrete rising up through my chest, piling at my lips, I'm turning to stone
Solid as granite, this is more than just a wall,
More than just
A statue, my
Organs go too.


Sunday, October 4, 2015


Most would prefer the sun and getting that nice tan over the cool breeze and the mud.

Most for a vacation like to relax and get that nice tan instead of wandering around some trees and rocks.

But not me. 

The mountains are a sacred place to me. 

A place of solitude, where I can think without my mom yelling at me to do the dishes. 

A place where I can think

(True fact: I've wriiten all of my stuff somewhere in the mountains, excluding my intro)

The mountains are my paris. There is a particular place I like the best, but it's in Alaska so I can't go as much as possible.

I see the mountains as a artist. I don't take pictures. If I did, that's all my instagram would have in it. 

But I haven't posted a single picture of me in the mountains. And i'm going to post a picture a place i went on friday.

So if you follow me, you will know who I am. If you don't, tough luck.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Puppy love

Love in high school isn't really love.
We think we know what love is.

My parents are in love. They've been that way for 25 years.

High school relationships don't last that long. 

Love in high school is like baby teeth. We think that we need them, but after a bit we learn that we are better without it. 

Puppy love.



And short.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

I'm sick of all this anonymous crap, I'm revealing who I am


I've gotten interested in page views and I think titles play a big part in it.

If the topic is hats and your title is hats, you probably won't get many views, unless you have a pretty good reputation.

On the opposite side, an eye-catching title, like mine, will probably get more page views, at least I think.

So thanks for reading, and sorry for the disappointment.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Things I still hold grudges against:

This is just a cool pic I found, it has nothing to do with my writing.

  • Myself for feeling guilty about not being guilty
  • The paint that I touched that looked dry but was wet
  • That guy on the bus in 5th grade that punched me in the throat
  • the mailman for never delivering what I want him too
  • The sign that says Lone Peak is world class
  • the lady that so generously gives me parking tickets even when I'm not even parking in the parking lot
  • Pretty much everything
  • Me

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Standing Tall

I'm not popular. I'm not even very creative. But this isn't about me. This is about everything. Anything. This is a chance for whatever I want to say, however I want to say it.

God created the world in seven days. It could take 7 seconds for mine to shatter. My life is like the world. Flat, easy going at times, then you have those monstrous mountains you have to go over maybe a bit to much.

There isn't a whole lot to say about me. A few extracurricular stuff, hangs out with friends, goes on dates, The usual. I am hard as granite, and breakable if you hit me in the right spot. I have been broken and betrayed, yet here I am.

Standing tall

Those around me? That's a different story. Everyone is trying to get prettier, smarter and more popular. But in the halls that's not what I see.  I'm not a pessimist. I'm the exact opposite. I don't look to see the people in the world, I look to see the grace in it. 

I like things that are real. And a depressing amount of people actually fit that description. 

I spend a lot of time exploring the world that I live in, rather than the people in it. And I'm not antisocial either. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

To the first grade me

Come back to me , my first grade self, and quickly.
I miss you.
"It's been a long day, from where we began, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again".
Will I ever see you again? 
 Just take me for a few hours days. 
Can we go climb trees, spend every afternoon
doing flips on the trampoline.
When I come visit you, let's go on adventures in the backyard
that I could call mine then.
Let's be Indians.
Let's color a picture of what life should be.
Every night when mom scrubbed you in the bathtub, she couldn't get the corners of your mouth to go anywhere but up.
Why am I not like that anymore?
What changed in me?

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Last night I had a dream...

Last night I had a dream
That I was on a picnic blanket
watching clouds.
There was a fat guy, and a bear with a sword.
The fat dude was running from the bear.
And then it came to life.
I was that fat guy.
That bear knew how to run.
Luckily, with the experiences I have
in the mountains, I could climb pretty well.
I was running up Mt. Everest.
A bear on Mt. Everest?!?
then I woke up.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


We have our physical hats, then we have our mood ones.

What happens when we wear our I want to be alone hat to Prom?

The spiritual hat to the football game?

Our lazy hat to your brother's eagle project?

Disasters can happen. Your girlfriend or boyfriend break up with you. Everyone gets mad at you for not working hard.

What can we do to make sure this doesn't happen to us?

Because it happened to me(a very long time ago).

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Hey! I'm Mountain Nomad and I love to be in the mountains, hence my pen name. I'm not a philosopher and I don't live in the woods meditating all day, I'm just a high school senior that likes to write, and wants to improve at it.  I like to write about nature, and the joy that it brings into my life. Writing is a tool that can be used beautifully to express someone's feelings, make a cool story, and countless other things.  I'm definitely not the best writer out there, and I want to learn to express my feelings, thoughts, opinions and other stuff clearly. Go enjoy a beautiful day outside, and make the most of it!

Mountain Nomad