Sunday, November 1, 2015

The proper way of bushwacking up a mountain

Things needed: a mountain

  1. Find every possible way up, then pick the 2nd hardest one.
  2. Start hiking up.  If there are any little (10-20) foot cliffs nearby, climb them.
  3. Take pictures(throughout the hike).
  4. Get at least 15 scratches on your legs.
  5. Once you reach the top, do some kind of a cool dance move(personally I do the lawnmower).
  6. Do something stupid on the way down.
  7. If you are not sore the next day, you didn't go up fast enough.


  1. I love that you said "2nd hardest one" so much for some reason.

  2. "7. If you are not sore the next day, you didn't go up fast enough."
    Haha I love this line #stolen

  3. great idea!! and i agree with courtney rome, that was funny!
