Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The REAL introduction

I've been hiding behind a mask. You have too. But even batman has to take his off on occasion.

You might not know who I am, and you might not even care.

 I know I'm not your favorite blogger and this might be the first time you have looked at mine.

Here are some things about me:

  • I love camping
  • I wear short shorts more often than I'd like to admit
  • I'm a runner(yes i enjoy it, it's not as bad as you think)
  • I've never broken a bone, but I've had countless "invisible" injuries
  • I cry more than most guys
  • Dance parties happen quite often with my 3 year old brother
  • I've been on top of every mountain in Utah county
  • If you are what you eat, I'm a animal cracker
And I am Spencer Smith


  1. Awesome reveal, awesome person. I started putting this together just before you revealed. Nice job Spencer.

  2. You are a nomad no more

  3. I absolutely love your blog so much- I can't even say how much, actually. I don't think we've ever met but I have been able to relate so much to everything you wrote. You are amazing. We need to go on a hike or something.
    You're so cool.
    just wow.

  4. SPENCER!!!!! YES! Your blog is awesome!

  5. i have no idea who you are, but i read your blog religiously.

  6. the last fact about you is probably my favorite. it's nice to finally meet you

  7. Yesss! Spencer!! I never would've guessed!

  8. Loved the last fact for no apparent reason. But very nice reveal.

  9. i like your pen name.
    be glad you never changed it.

  10. i like your pen name.
    be glad you never changed it.

  11. I like this! You seem like a really awesome guy, nice to meet you :)

  12. Ahhh just gained so much respect for you and this blog! You rock Spencer!
