Sunday, November 29, 2015

I'm the 17 year old calvin

When you see me in the halls, I will be smiling. I'm a happy guy. Life couldn't be better.

But it's not perfect either

I'm one of the most competitive people I know. I HAVE to win. I've gotten better at hiding my emotions when losing, but it's still very much there

I've never made top 5 or probably been considered for it, not on any one's #stolen page, and gosh dang it Nelson, the only picture from my journal that you've shown is the someone else page.

And I'm going to get lots of views on this post, because most will think it's my reveal but i've already done it. And you guys will be dissapointed and not comment.

My dad tells me to do my homework, 
My mom says I'm way too skinny, 
My sister says I'm stupid
Girls adore me(hahahaha jk)
My grandma says to eat more, 
My friends say I talk not enough or too much, 
And my young men leader's tell me to pay attention.

And I tell them to leave me alone

Because I don't care what they think. If they don't like me that's their problem!

I don't have a name for my pen name, someone I'm aspiring to be. And that's for a reason too.

I'm a nomad, by definition I wander around and do whatever the heck I want. Whether it's in the mountains, my journal or my basement, I'm just here for the thrill of it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The REAL introduction

I've been hiding behind a mask. You have too. But even batman has to take his off on occasion.

You might not know who I am, and you might not even care.

 I know I'm not your favorite blogger and this might be the first time you have looked at mine.

Here are some things about me:

  • I love camping
  • I wear short shorts more often than I'd like to admit
  • I'm a runner(yes i enjoy it, it's not as bad as you think)
  • I've never broken a bone, but I've had countless "invisible" injuries
  • I cry more than most guys
  • Dance parties happen quite often with my 3 year old brother
  • I've been on top of every mountain in Utah county
  • If you are what you eat, I'm a animal cracker
And I am Spencer Smith

Sunday, November 22, 2015

"Messy" tunes

Apparently I'm messy.

My room is messy, my car is, my backpack, my closet, and my music too.

Wait. Messy music?

I don't know, go ask my dad

Last time I checked tribal seeds and coldplay weren't messy... But whatever.

But while my dad is rocking out to his Patsy Cline, his "neat" music isn't too neat to me.

Music is a type of art, just one you have to feel, not look at. It's different for every person.

Like Mr. Nelson likes Paris and Ketchikan likes Ketchikan( i've been there, cool place) and Courtney Rome likes Rome( just a guess), and how I like the mountains.

So next time my parents ask me what I'm doing, I'm working on an art project 😉

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Winter is on the way

There's a chance of snow tomorrow, but when I look outside the tree next to my house hasn't lost a single leaf.

My neighbors wood-burning stove is working hard and the thermometer just hit 47°. 

But winter is a good time of year.

Winter is when you snowshoe up mountains and then ski down.

Winter is when the funnest moments you can't feel your fingers and toes.

Winter is when mom has hot apple cider and toffee waiting for you at the door.

And because the birdsong might be pretty, but it's not for you they sing. If you think winter is too cold, then you don't deserve my spring.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The proper way of bushwacking up a mountain

Things needed: a mountain

  1. Find every possible way up, then pick the 2nd hardest one.
  2. Start hiking up.  If there are any little (10-20) foot cliffs nearby, climb them.
  3. Take pictures(throughout the hike).
  4. Get at least 15 scratches on your legs.
  5. Once you reach the top, do some kind of a cool dance move(personally I do the lawnmower).
  6. Do something stupid on the way down.
  7. If you are not sore the next day, you didn't go up fast enough.