Sunday, December 6, 2015


Sometimes it's hard to find a good first line,

And so is getting up for the journal jam.

It's like the feeling inside, when you know there's fireworks, but your heads so heavy you can't look up.

You know you won't regret it, but that first step is hard.

And so life goes on

My friend just visited and called that good for the day.

My friend was content, but it hurt me.

And pain is a flower most people pull from their garden.

Life is hard guys.

But some days I'm just pretending to shiver.

The most important lesson I've learned is being happy is a choice.

I see life as a journey, and I'm just trying to fall in love with mine.

I suggest you do too.


  1. I love how relatable your writing is Spencer.

  2. You're totally right about the first line thing.
    "It's like that feeling inside, when you know there's fireworks, but your heads so heavy you can't look up."
    ^^this is straight fire.
    This is definately going to be my post of the week.

  3. But some days I'm just pretending to shiver.

    so good

  4. The last two lines..... SO GOOD. I seriously got the chills.
